What are timelines?
Timelines are emotional issues taken into other realities such as cloned earth’s, cloned planets and alien all parallel lifetimes by creating an incident or accidents in this current through emotions such as fear, pain, trauma, anger and anxiety. These timelines are part of larger- and extended issues into these clearings:
1. Timeline Crash +Space Time Crash.
2. Current Cloned Bodies Living on Cloned Earths.
3. Current Cloned Bodies Living on Cloned Planets.
4. Past Lifetime Cloned Bodies Living on Cloned Earths.
5. Past Lifetime Cloned Bodies Living on Cloned Planets.
6. Alien All Parallel Lifetimes.
I want to show you what it is look like to generate an emotion and copy/paste into the timelines. If you are living in time, it’s a recycling of emotional issues which is actually DNA history from yourself, your parents, grandparents until approximately hundred generations.
How does it work?
This picture below illustrates how aliens stop time and control humans, however aliens live in time there too and the creationlightship can stop those aliens:
Figure 1: People are controlled by aliens and aliens can be terminated if they leave the territory of True Light.
People are living in time in this case the Current Timeline. So, Aliens do control time and can stop time here and take 0,0001 seconds and extend for 7 years. You don’t know that, because you are abducted and you are not in the now. This reality has on- and off switch and a high frequency, so it is like this reality is turned on and off with a high frequency. The aliens will stop time where the frequency meets of the ‘’0’’ on the x-axis and then the Aliens come to you, copy an emotional issue, make clones of you from the real spirit and -body and bring the real spirit and -body into the timelines with the copied emotional issue. To sustain the balance in your reality, which is your past, the aliens bring in cloned spirits and cloned bodies. A cloned spirit is not a real spirit, so you cannot talk to it and find your answer you need. A cloned body is also not a real body, but a copy from the real body and these cloned body parts can cause problems such as pain, inflammations and dysfunctional body parts.
The amount of timelines varies from thousands to billions for each emotional issue. These timelines will be placed in another reality, a copy of this earth: cloned earth or a copy from another planet: cloned planet.
The table below will illustrate:
Table 1: The effect of Alien Abductions on humans taken into other Lifetimes with respect to the real spirit and- bodies / cloned spirit and- bodies.
The Aliens that are doing the abductions are Greys but they are thousands other Alien Races abducting humans. Darkness (Aliens aka Unwanted Universal Travellers) wants to abduct people far away from the Current Lifetime to the Alien Parallel Lifetime/Cloned Bodies Living On Cloned Earths/Planets with Current Lifetime or Past Lifetimes. If that happens, people have no chance to go back to the Original Peace Timeline and are sunken in Darkness. This is the Darkside Ascension.
An example: a car accident
Let’s day you are on a bike and you are crossing a road. From the left of the road, you’ll see a car and he/she doesn’t see you are there. You crash into the car. On that moment, aliens stop time and copy your issue (pain/fear from the impact) and paste into another cloned lifetimes. They can do this for example thousand times, they put you back here and start the ‘’movie’’ again.
How to stop it?
Timeline crashing can be done on the creationlightship, you can use in every online modality (free/paid) for timeline crashing. If you want to go deeper, use this commands also:
1. Timeline Crash +Space Time Crash.
2. Current Cloned Bodies Removal Living on Cloned Earths.
3. Current Cloned Bodies Removal Living on Cloned Planets.
4. Past Lifetime Cloned Bodies Removal Living on Cloned Earths.
5. Past Lifetime Cloned Bodies Removal Living on Cloned Planets.
6. Alien All Parallel Lifetimes Removal.
Also, you have the Between Life Experience. This experience is an (traumatic) experience between the moment you die and the moment you reincarnated on this planet again.
Also, doing the online clearing + the 6 clearings mentioned above. You also need to do Spirit Infusion + Body Rejuvenation + New Earth Transport Clearing.
List of general issues
I compiled a list of general issues and their description that can be used for timeline crashing and/or commands 2 thru 6 mentioned above:
- Emotional Body: responsible for working , car driving, walking , etcl.
- Judgment Body: responsible for making judgment about other people.
- Mental Body: responsible for male - and female issues.
- Feeling Body: responsible for how do you experience this life, such as I like car driving.
- Trauma body: responsible for emotional trauma such as being threatened to death, seeing someone dying etc.
- Abduction trauma body: responsible for Alien abductions.
- Sensory Body: responsible for sensing.
- fear body: responsible for fear and also fobias.
- Anger body: responsible for being angry and/or similar emotions.
- Pain Body: responsible for being in pain.
- Empathy Body: responsible if you felt pain, you are able to identify with who are in pain.
- Sadness Body: responsible for having sadness.
- Infinite Sadness: will be added later.
- Poverty Body: responsible for being poor/rich.
- Victim Body : responsible for being a victim or being victimized.
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