Friday, December 25, 2015

 18 Free Healings

The creationlightship is offering free online sample healings, you can try and experience yourself. Below is a list of 18 free healings:

1. Clear Out Grey Skies!
This clearing clears out the Alien Ships that are hiding in the clouds to connect and control you. It is the most popular FREE online clearing. 

2. Be Here Now! 
This clearing brings you in the present instead of recycling the past/future.

3. Clear Away Alien Satellites  
Clears away Alien Satellites tracking you.

4. Earth Protection Timeline Crash 
This timeline crash clearing will remove Alien Ships as they first come into our current timeline. It will also remove the link between the timeline that they are traveling from and our timeline. The alien timeline will be frozen allowing the military to deal with it.

5. Remove Black Mist Fog 
The Black Mist Fog is an energy attached to you from the Alien Cloudships in the sky. It has a typical dark colour underneath the clouds. Its energy is very negative. See picture below (will be added later). 

6. Remove Green Mist & Goo
The Green Mist & Goo is a sliming energy from Aliens attached to the timelines from people.  

7. 2800 Death Blue Ray Energy 
The 2800 Death Blue Ray Energy is a destructive ray beam from the Aliens to blow up humans. It has an accumulating effect in humans. 

8. Alien Environmental Imbalance Timeline Crash
Activaties done by Aliens or Humans causing damage to the environment. For example: Aliens digging a tunnel 200 miles beneath the surface you are living. 

9. 2000 Year Barcode
We are living with a barcode created to generate within us a fear of the Light. This barcode was attached to humanity at the time of Jesus, the last time the Creation Lightship was active here on Earth for an Ascension opportunity. Reactions that this barcode can create include fear of the Light, misconceptions about the Light and perhaps mental images of people being destroyed by the Light. Removal of this barcode will dissolve any fear of the Light and may also enable you to see more and to have a greater understanding of the Light.

10. Removal of Alien Head Connectors and Implants

We have all had energetic connectors and implants placed into your heads. They act as antenna to receive mind control transmissions from satellites and other alien information sent to control us. They may have been brought forth through your DNA. They can cause us to itch, feel tired and spacey, and can generally zap your energy.

11. Alien Oxygen Code Removal
The oxygen on this planet has alien codes within it. The codes can cause Your energy levels to drop and may affect Your memory. This clearing will remove the harmful effects of breathing the current earth oxygen. When you feel groggy, depressed, or a little funky this clearing may help. Do the clearing as many times as you feel you need to. This healing will only work for the person performing the healing. The healing will clear the oxygen in the person's room and lungs.

12. Alien + Human-Hybrid Tracking Barcode Removal

We probably all have this barcode on us. your human DNA has been mixed, to varying degrees, with DNA from other alien races. The barcode is within your DNA structure and is age, time or event released. This clearing removes the barcode from your DNA and blood and can help remove your connection to alien transmissions and body interference.

13. Alien Generated Holographic Reality Disconnection

Display of your reality, connected with your issues. So, how do you see the world?

14. Alien Remote Viewing Disconnection

Removes Aliens looking at you a distance.

15. Alien Keyword Intercept Disconnection

Removes words that resonate with you.

16. Alien Mind Fog Removal

Alien Mind Fog that looks like a cloudy energy.

17. Clone Light Infusion Process

This free clearing will have the Creation Lightship remake a clone's earthly looking human body into a light created body and then give the new created body a spirit from the light.

18. Help Enslaved Aliens Leave Earth

This free clearing which is on youtube clears out Aliens in your environment harming you or other people. The Aliens can go to the True Light or go back to their own planet wherever they came from. On the youtube there is an release of 10,000 Aliens in the first session and the second session there was a release of 8,000 Aliens. The Aliens went back to their own planet or did the real Ascension which is going to the Creationlightship and have clearings before going to the Universe of Light. The healing energies on the youtube movie works in the now and this energy is activated when you play it.

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