What are orgone blankets with gold?
Orgone blankets are blankets which are constructed from several layers steelwool and sheepwool stacked on each other. The purpose is to create a stream of healing particles to accumulate, reflect and send them to the human body and clear out the imbalances and impurities. Gold is inserted to enhance this process and also add the healing properties from gold.
What are these healing particles and where are they coming from?
These healing particles are coming from the ambient zero point energy vacuum state polarity. It is massless, everywhere present, organic and contains a lot of energy, 1x1099 J/cm3. It is the building blocks for subatomic particles, atoms and molecules but also all living life forms.
Ambient = zero point energy from the surroundings where it is present. It’s projecting itself to subatomic particles, atoms and molecules and therefore it’s onmipresent.
Zero point energy = massless form of energy with a lot of energy (1x1099 J/cm3) and potential to manifestion.
Vacuum = it is not visible, gravitation has no effect on it and there no dimensions existing such lenght, width and height.
State = stasis in a living form. It’s basis of all life.
Polarity = zero point energy has polarity, so it has negative –and positive particles.
The ambient zero point energy vacuum state polarity has other names too:
- Zero point energy (most used name).
- Zero point energy field.
- Orgone energy.
- ‘’Free’’ energy.
- Quantum vacuum zero-point energy.
Accumulating zero point energy, gold and lanolin
The reason why sheepwool is added as a layer because it contains lanolin and this molecule works with human body very well. Accumulation (or concentration) of zero point energy, lanolin and gold will occur in the sheepwool layer and the steelwool reflects both of them. This happens four times and the last layer is stainless steel wire mesh and this also reflects the zero point energy, gold and lanolin. The reason why zero point energy is accumulated along with gold and lanolin is because the blanket is working like a battery.It’s like charging (sheepwool) and then discharging (steelwool) > more charge in the next layer sheepwool and then discharging (steelwool) etc… To enhance this process, gold (red lines in figure 1) has been assimilated (red lines), see figure 1 for the whole process:

Figure 1: Accumulation and reflection of zero point energy, lanolin and gold through the blanket and then lanolin and gold is being projected from the ambient zero point energy field to the physical body.
What happens when the humans receives zero point energy, lanolin and gold?
Zero point energy can balance out toxic energies on sub-atomic level. The gold neutralizes acidity in the physical body and it also grounds the body. Lanolin has more benefits:
-Discharge of the toxins from the body and charges the body.
-Balances the endocrine system.
-Strengthen the immune system.
-Clears the mind.
-Deeper contact with spirit and body.
-Lanolin is also good the skin.
Here's a picture of my orgone blanket with gold:
Picture 1: An orgone blanket with gold.
You can buy Orgone Blanket With Gold for €499 excluding shipment. All materials that are used are environmental friendly. The blanket lasts a lifetime.
Renting: You can rent the blanket for €99,95 per week, renting a blanket for 3 days: € 50 euro's. Shipment costs not included.
The lanolin and the gold are being brought in a hologram cq. quantum state and therefore better absorbable in the physical body. Both of them have positive effects on the human body and spirit.
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