Project Timelinecrash
Improve Online Clearings - Using Holographic Software To Improve Creationlightship Clearings
The creationlightship can provide clearings for everyone on this planet. The clearings are for instance emotional body clearings, timeline crashes, body rejuvenations and spirit clearings. After a period of time, one can stagnate the clearings. In this case, information is needed to look how to pursue the clearings again. Holographic software can answer those questions on how to proceed with the clearings and have more life improvement.
My name is Arjan Schrikkema and I have a background in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and environmental technology. In 2004 I did research in vegetable gardens near railroad tracks to investigate how heavy materials were spread in the soil and how they came there.
I have made several discoveries since 2010 with the creationlightship and other beings as well:
- In 2010 I discovered an implant in my physical body declining the physical life very fast. The implant was at least 6000 years old.
- In 2012 I discovered more than 50 barcodes in my physical body that can copy life altering event from another parallel life to this (current) life.
- In 2015 I successfully brought gold with an orgone blanket into the hologram which is absorbable for the human body and this can be used as a vitamin. Gold in this case will ground the body and clears the acidification in the body.
Nowadays, I want to market the orgone blanket with several metals such as gold, zinc and copper. The blankets can be custom made and they can be used by the hour. I can also sell Receptor’s and Quantum Nuclear Heart Receptor with an appropriate crystal which can affect the wearer in a positive way. Arcturian Healings are clearings done through a medium which are very advanced and suitable for clearing out any issue known- and unknown to mankind.
I am still validating the working between the Nuvision and creationlightship healings. The Nuvision (or scalin) is holographic software which allows the operator to see what a person is going through and the creationlightship is source energy with many lightbeings that are able to assist people to have very advanced healings. Using the data from the Nuvision I want to setup more advanced and in-depth healings with the creationlightship.
In my crowdfunding project called ‘’project timelinecrash’’ I want to crowdfund €55000. When I have raised this amount of money, I can buy and use holographic software (=Nuvision) and provide useful information how to proceed with the online clearings and the timeline crashes with the creationlightship. This includes clearing out the emotions, feelings, trauma’s, abductions, fear, anxieties, pain, alien parasitic lifeforms, alien race attacks, barcodes, implants and much more.
The creationlightship
The creationlightship is source energy with many lightbeings that are able to assist people to have very advanced healings. The creationlightship comes every 2000 years to help people assisting to claim their true identity and go back to Source energy. Source energy is beyond the limits of time, it doesn’t know time neither it exists in time. Their website is and it provides healings, conference calls, one-to-one healings, 24/7 healings, radio programs and expo’s.
This planet and its habitants are in Darkness. That means, the true light and lightbeings on this planet are being corrupted by Darkness. In the next table you’ll see the differences between Darkness and the True Light:
Table 1: Differences between Darkness and True Light.
So, with the creationlightship many healings can be done. However, many of our issues goes undetected. Many people can do healings with the creationlightship but there are ± 50 emotional issues known. The scalin can find emotional issues in the order of thousands. This explains why some people can have clearings with the creationlightship and some don’t. That’s why I want to add scalin as a valuable asset. I will explain this more in the next paragraph’s.
The Nuvision (or also called Scalin)
So, in order to make an healthy, progressive change we have to clear those issues, even the ones we don’t know about. To do this, I want to combine scalin along with the creationlightship. The scalin is holographic software and is using the zero point energy field to obtain emotional issues by typing in the name, birthdate and -place from the person in the software.
It allows the operator to find any disturbing issue such as emotion/feeling/trauma/pain/emotion in human DNA that has been brought into the hologram. That means, the emotional body we are living, is projecting in our 2D hologram. Unless we clear these issues out of our bodies we will recycle these issues in our hologram and people respond to that accordingly and that gives us problems.
The scalin also provides information how strong this issue is and if the person is aware of this issue. It does that by giving the issue a colour and a shape, respectively. The table below gives an explanation:

Table 2: Eight different indicators in the Nuvision analyses.
This is an example of an screenshot showing emotional issues the person is going through right now sending out in his/hers hologram. Also these issues are imbedded in his/hers DNA:
Screenshot 1: Strongest emotions (basis) recycling right now.
As you can see, ‘’Looser’’ is the strongest and current issue right now this person going through. The issue ‘’Looser’’ doesn’t say much but we can look how this issue is formed. We simply ask the scalin what the issues are that are forming the issue ‘’Looser’’. The scalin provides us with this result:
Screenshot 2: First level emotions recycling right now.
As you can see, 27 issues are forming ‘’Looser’’. And for each issue you check even deeper what needs to be released.
So, the issue ‘’Looser’’ is complex and almost infinite. And the issues which are making the issue ‘’Looser’’ can be used for online clearings and timeline crashes.
Let’s see what the ‘’second’’ emotional issue looks like by analyzing the first emotional issue ‘’emotional pattern of grace’’:
Screenshot 3: Second level emotions recycling right now.
As you can see, ‘’feeling state of confident’’, ‘’numerophobia’’, ‘’giving up’’, ‘’emotional pattern of wrathful’’, ‘’joyless” to the last issue: “fatigued” are the strongest issues forming the ´´emotional pattern of grace’’.
Healing with the Creationlightship
So, the first part of the issue ‘’Looser’’ can be cleared by clearing out the underlaying issues from ´´emotional pattern of grace’’ to ‘’Heartless’’. If I look into all the issues about ‘’Looser’’ in the 1st two levels, it would need 1+27+ 729 = 757 emotional body clearings and their timeline crashes/spacetime crashes or:
1. Current Lifetime Cloned Bodies Living On Cloned Earths.
2. Current Lifetime Cloned Bodies Living On Cloned Planets.
3. Past Lifetime Cloned Bodies Living On Cloned Earth’s.
4. Past Lifetime Cloned Bodies Living On Cloned Planets.
5. Alien All Parallel Lifetime Removal.
Would I go a level deeper, then I need 1+27+ 27x729 = 19711 emotional body clearings and their timeline crashes/spacetime crashes (or see the 5 cloned body retrievals).
Target amount, costs and rewards
The target amount I would like to crowdfund is €55000. Only 1000 people
can participate using the scalin. So, costs/donation are €55 or $60 for
each person.If I get to the first 100 people that are donating each €55 or $60 , I am
able to buy the software and use it.
The money which has been raised for crowdfunding will be spent on these expenses:
- Costs for the software: $5480.
- Providing ± 3 major healing request for online clearings and timeline
- crashes in a year for each person. Constructing a major healing request has
- a lot of underlying healing requests. This process can take up to an hour ($30000).
- Attending webinars from the scalin (free).
- Research & Development such adding my own information but from
- other people as well (free).
- Paying taxes including importtaxes ($10000).
- Transaction costs and fee Dreamordonate ($5500).
- Online support and customer service ($3000).
- On –and offline promotion of this project and/or networking ($1000).
What you will get in return
1. Information for online clearings and timeline crashes. So, what issue(s)
are you going through right now and how to release that. Remember an
issue can consist a lot more issues that needs to be addressed. I can answer
those questions.
2. I can provide information for what the best resonance/healing the Crystal Light Infusion Healing Chambers is for a particular person. This information will be manually added in the database and searched for.
3. Increase insights and awareness what we are going through.
4. No need to stay in the mind and think about what your problems are.
I just need the person’s name, birthdate, birthplace and run the system for
emotions and it provides valuable information of what it is going on.
5. If the database is missing information, I can ask the Arcturians for this
and still add the information nto the database.
6. I will also add information such as alien race attacks, grey skies, satellites, alien parasitic lifeforms, natal codes (e.g. abductions codes, codes for birthing), energetic restrictions, all types of barcodes and implants.
7. Types of cording such as object cording/ energetic people cording/alien
If you would like to donate €55 or $60, then please go to the link below and make a contribution via the website:
Donations above the mentioned amount of money are greatly appreciated. However, if you don’t want to participate in this project you can donate less than mentioned amount of money. Please feel free to contact me if you are having questions through the ''contact me'' page.
Online Information
Project website: (project timelinecrash or
Healing website:
Scalin website:
Social Media/Youtube:
Disclaimer: There’s however no guarantee that these results from the
scalin will lead to proper online clearings and timeline crashing or a
better health.
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