An explanation in a nutshell how emotions are structured and being part of the emotional body
Emotions, as we know it, shape our daily lives and we are living according to inside- and outside energies and responding to them according to our emotional bodies. There are a large number of emotional bodies which is impossible to mention. There are literally billions of emotional bodies.
What is DNA?
DNA is a Alien Mind body called deoxyribonucleic acid. This blueprint by the Aliens to entraps humans in already mind energy along with the spirit inside of them and Aliens can feed off emotional energies from people. In fact, they are alien parasites which are lot of them and are not visible in this world.
What are main types of emotional bodies?
The 1st type of emotion is the emotional body which is responsible for our daily lives such as walking, car driving, doing sports, working, sleeping and much more. The type of experience is related to the 2nd emotion, the feeling body which is responsible for positive- and negative emotions. The 3rd emotion is the trauma body which responsible for accumulating energies on trauma bodies. Trauma constitutes strong negative energies that is typically overwhelming for a person. It could be something witnessing a horrible, life threatening situation or a war situation where someone is involved. The 4th emotion is the sensory body which is sensing energies in the environment. There are as I have mentioned many more emotional bodies but I will leave that for other articles I have written and also to my reference to my database.
Emotional body in DNA
The emotional body is part of the DNA and is part of unendig cycles in this duality and other dualities and has the following structure:
Figure 1: The emotional body dissected into different bandwith patterns in DNA which constitutes as one entity.
The emotional body above is built of different bandwith patterns which are actually other types of emotions organised in this part (as an entity) of the emotional body. These bodies have the same gravitational field structures, different magnetic field structures because they attract each other in this bandwith section of that emotion, but are repelled also. In fact, emotions in this way can be predicted mathematically (e.g. a form of a polynomial).
Why is it predictable?
Prediction is a noun and its verb is pre-dict. So it is '' pre = for and dict =writing or forecast (for Dutch people remember the words ''dictee''). In other word you dictate someone or any other conscious being to do: pre-dict. In this case, emotions are dictated by environmental energies, people, aliens in this reality and beyond and your own. In our daily lives, our behaviour is dictated from the part of the programming which is inherited in our DNA. It looks like this:

Figure 2: Different emotions in an entity as the last emotion can be calculated with algorithms e.g. an emotion above the red one: disdain.
The next emotion is part of state of being and can be determined by the situation you are living unless you heal that part of energy which is an entity clearing , not to be confused with emotional entities like spirits/demons/ghosts.
Emotional Barcode
The emotional barcode is a barcode inserted in our DNA to copy information from different lives to this life we are living now. This is an example:
Figure 3: An emotional barcode: a copy from a parallel life to this life with a new activation in this current life, a belief system issue.
This barcode contains like DNA how to paste emotions to the next day of life. In this case, there is a new activation as the surroundings are dynamic andalways change. But it is not always needed to have this barcode. The barcode connect the emotions from the parallel life to this life with ''strings'' which are tight, strong energetic wires transmitting information what to activate in our DNA. In the case of an abduction trauma that will be copied to this reality, fear/anger is the translation to this dimension ever since fear and anger are to each other related and the people in the environment respond to this as well, negatively.
Metals have a negative influence into or onto emotional bodies. For more information, read this article to have a more clear understanding about this.
Shape of the magnetical- and gravitational energies
Magnetical- and gravitational are strong energies and so are emotions! I mean emotions control lives of people daily and they stay thousands of years in our DNA as they are not bound by time however we are. Shapes of energies are the result of many different magnetical- and gravitational energies in our DNA. It is the shape of a crystal which could be metal based that could heal a person. Remember, crystals contain elements sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum. Nobody sees the value of metals in plasma form solidified as a crystal to perform wholistic healings.
N.B. Interestingly, many people walk away from real healings because the ''entity'' talks to them to get away. Entities like humans especially when people are in pain or heavily traumatized. Think about a hospital, you don't want to go there. Entities are lurking from the background to get inside of you.
The original information stored in our DNA which is corrupted (but still present!) by inside- and outside energies has a magnetical- and gravitation field which is mentioned in the New Age many times as negative- and positive energies which is clearly an understatement to what is happening and it is not part of real solutions. The real solution is activation of our DNA to restore our DNA and get the negative-, positive- and coded energies released which is nothing more and nothing less than magnetical- and gravitational energies in just different shapes and energies. This solution starts with the emotional body clearing to the physical body clearing and vice versa. This can be done with the creationlightship, arcturian healings, healing with crystals and the plasma energies (Keshe Foundation). However, healing must be done with a certain speed to ensure someone is getting of all the issues, maladies, injuries and other blockages.
The emotional body dictates what happens in someone's life. This life becomes more and more meaningless and pointless if you are developing physically, mentally and spiritually.
The solution is not easy however with plasma energies (or True Light Energies) we can find the real solution. Plasma based GaNS can be based of emotional healing in what is called a Light Infusion Healing Chamber. In a nutshell the basics is to go from the matter state to a plasma state with that part of plasma which is different but suitable for a healing with respect to a human with corrupted DNA.
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